Does your Website "do the job"?

So.... you have a website. Are you happy with the way it is performing? Does it turn visitors into customers? Think your site can't be better?

Ever hear of the
Beverly Hills Hotel? Sure you have! It's one of the most glamorous, famous hotels in the world. Go there at the right time, and you may even find yourself in the cabana beside Mick Jagger at their legendary pool.

However, their Web site is not 10% as great as the hotel, according to Ken Evoy ("the" guru on web selling). Awhile back, Ken wrote a brilliant article that took their site apart and put it back together again.That article received a flood of responses. So now he's expanded and "html'ized" it with pointed graphic examples.

What are you selling on the Web? Software or hard goods?Your services? Affiliate-based products? Whatever it is,read the Beverly Hills Hotel article... and think about your own website as you do so. I guarantee that the lessons in that article apply to
YOU. You'll find more than one lesson that will help you improve your website, whatever your product is. I did. :-)

Read the article now.... it is free!